German Tennis Magazin Named "Player Site of the Month"

December 21, 2024

By: German Tennis Magazin (January/February Issue)

He might not yet be a top player but the website of Sanish super talent Rafael Nadal belongs to the best players' homepages in the professional circuit: always up to date and with lots of news about �Rafi�. A huge gallery shows pictures of the 17-year-old at tournaments around the world. The three video clips that you can download under "Photos/AV" are worth seeing as well. They show Nadal practicing. And this is special for fans who want to try to hit like he does.

Additionally there�s a huge interview section, a thorough archive with articles from newspapers and magazines about the Spanish youngster, such as interesting fan-reports, written by mainly young tennisfreaks, when they met their idol at a tournament. The quotes of many great tennis personalites are fantastic ("The Buzz"). If everything goes as people say there, Nadal is soon going to be a top player!"

**Thanks for the article and translation from German, Debbie! Please do not copy without giving credit to the original source and**
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