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Spanish Players in Chennai

Rafael Loses to Ascione in Singles; Plays Doubles on Thursday

1/6/04 -- Rafael is playing the Tata Open in Chennai, India. Unfortunately, he lost his opening match to Frenchman Thierry Ascione, 7-6(5), 6-4. Apparently, Ascione gained confidence after winning the tiebreak, and played a confident second set.

On Monday, Rafa and his partner, Tommy Robredo, won their first-round doubles match against the third seeds, Jordan Kerry and Jim Thomas, 6-2, 6-7(4), 6-3.
Full Doubles Draw. On Thursday, they will face in the second round the winners of the Levy/Vanhoudt vs. Ascione/Lisnard match. Vamos, Rafael y Tommy!

   Recent News

 Rafael to Play Doubles at Aus Open:  The Spanish Davis Cup captain is looking at a few potential doubles combinations, including Rafael and Tommy Robredo, who will play doubles at the Australian Open. Thanks for the info, Debbie. Named "Player Site of the Month":  We are proud to say that the January/February 2004 issue of German Tennis Magazin has named this website its "Player Site of the Month."  Click here for the article, as translated by Debbie.

Rafael Recognized for 2003 Results:  The Spanish Association of Tennis Journalists has named Rafa the "Most Improved Player of 2003. He also has been recognized as 2003's male "newcomer of the year" and "one to watch" in 2004. Check out "Newcomer of the Year," "Five Hot Players in 2004," "New Balls Dominated 2003," and "Rivalries to Watch in 2004!" (about Rafa and Richard Gasquet). Also, see "Player to Watch," by, and Jon Wertheim's "2003 Baggie Awards." And Bob Larson Tennis has named him "Most Impressive Newcomer Without a Monster Serve."


  Wallpaper: Check out Stelee's terrific new Wallpaper creation, Vamos Rafi. She also has designed a cute Rafi Screensaver, featuring our Vamos Rafael animated logo. Install it today!

New Photos:  Reiko has found some terrific new Bundesliga Photos of Rafael, as well as some new photos from TMS Madrid, Segovia, Campeonato de Espa�a, and 2002 Satellites. We also have scans of Rafael items from the May, July and September 2003 issues of Spain's Grand Slam Magazine. Thanks, Reiko!

If you'd like to submit a wallpaper, article, photo or some type of fan art, please email us at [email protected]. All contributions are appreciated.

Welcome to Vamos Rafael, the first website for 17-year-old, Spanish tennis sensation, Rafael Nadal. He's been in six Challenger finals this year (on three different surfaces), winning Barletta and Segovia. At age 16, he reached the third round of two ATP Masters events, defeating two top ten players along the way. In May, he won the Burgeon Prize as the most promising player, and then reached the third round at Wimbledon -- his very first grand slam! He is now ranked in the Top 50!

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